
Bond Strength of Universal Self-Etch 1-Step Adhesive Systems for Orthodontic Brackets

The objective of this study was to assess the shear bond strength (SBS) of orthodontic brackets bonded to uncut enamel with universal self- etch 1-step adhesive systems.Extracted uncut premolars (n = 160) were randomly divided into 4 groups for treatment with Scotchbond Universal Adhesive (SU), All-Bond Universal (BU), Clearfil Universal Bond (CU) or the control, Adper Scotchbond Multi-Purpose Adhesive. Following bonding of brackets on tooth surfaces, teeth were stored in distilled water for 24 h and 6 months, and brackets were tested for SBS. The adhesive remnant index (ARI) and quantitative percent- age of remaining resin (%RR) were recorded. Scanning electron microscopy was used to analyze debonded surfaces qualitatively. SBS and %RR data were analyzed by 2-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test (α = 0.05)

How Fixing Your Teeth Could Be the Key To a Youthful Face

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could take years off of your appearance with a quicker and less painful procedure that would ensure long-lasting results?


Aging takes a toll on your body and face. Your skin loses its elasticity and tone. You may notice blotchiness or dryness. However, your facial profile also changes, which can make wrinkles stand out even more. The problems you may have had with your teeth also worsen.

One of the more common causes for an aging face is one that you may not have considered—a misaligned jaw.

25 years of know-how in implantology

2020 is a very special year for Dentaurum Implants: The specialist for dental implants, based in Ispringen, Germany is celebrating its 25th anniversary. Along with its parent company Dentaurum, the oldest family-run dental company worldwide, Dentaurum Implants has much to offer: quality products manufactured in-house, digital solutions and a wide range of services and courses. «Made in Germany» forms the basis of the company philosophy, together with constant research and development and a close cooperation with universities and customers. Customers can look forward to some special offers over the coming months. 

Yomi, The First Robotic Dental Surgery System Now Cleared by FDA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed nunc nibh. Pellentesque feugiat et massa vel auctor. Sed pretium rhoncus purus eu tempor. Duis vitae hendrerit elit. Ut sagittis mauris a nisi maximus accumsan. Mauris pulvinar erat in dolor facilisis ornare. Nam sit amet turpis posuere, mollis ipsum ut, gravida lectus. Etiam id velit ipsum. Nam ornare arcu quam, ut venenatis tellus eleifend sed. Curabitur non tincidunt nisi, in fringilla sem. Suspendisse quis porta purus. Aenean commodo odio ligula, quis viverra turpis porttitor a. Ut eleifend placerat malesuada. Pellentesque consectetur volutpat arcu. Vestibulum vitae rutrum nisl.

Disney Research Software Turns Photos Into Digital Dental Impressions

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed nunc nibh. Pellentesque feugiat et massa vel auctor. Sed pretium rhoncus purus eu tempor. Duis vitae hendrerit elit. Ut sagittis mauris a nisi maximus accumsan. Mauris pulvinar erat in dolor facilisis ornare. Nam sit amet turpis posuere, mollis ipsum ut, gravida lectus. Etiam id velit ipsum. Nam ornare arcu quam, ut venenatis tellus eleifend sed. Curabitur non tincidunt nisi, in fringilla sem. Suspendisse quis porta purus. Aenean commodo odio ligula, quis viverra turpis porttitor a. Ut eleifend placerat malesuada. Pellentesque consectetur volutpat arcu. Vestibulum vitae rutrum nisl.

Bluetooth for White Teeth: A Review of Two Smart Electric Toothbrushes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sed nunc nibh. Pellentesque feugiat et massa vel auctor. Sed pretium rhoncus purus eu tempor. Duis vitae hendrerit elit. Ut sagittis mauris a nisi maximus accumsan. Mauris pulvinar erat in dolor facilisis ornare. Nam sit amet turpis posuere, mollis ipsum ut, gravida lectus. Etiam id velit ipsum. Nam ornare arcu quam, ut venenatis tellus eleifend sed. Curabitur non tincidunt nisi, in fringilla sem. Suspendisse quis porta purus. Aenean commodo odio ligula, quis viverra turpis porttitor a. Ut eleifend placerat malesuada. Pellentesque consectetur volutpat arcu. Vestibulum vitae rutrum nisl.